Triple Crown
It will come as no surprise to readers of this newsletter that Five Parks has experienced an unusually cold and snowy winter. Triple Crown’s contract with Brightview specifies snow will be snowplowed/shoveled when snow accumulates 2” on sidewalks and 4” on alleyways. Work start times are based on temperatures, rate of snowfall and time of day. FYI, It costs over $7,000 for one complete snow removal. Triple Crown’s Board tries to balance safety and fiscal responsibility. As with many decisions in life, it is an art not a science. Please be patient. Call Community Care at 303-980-0700 if you have any concerns.
Specialized Tree Services has been selected as the vendor to prune broken branches and address structural concerns caused mainly by winter storms. Weather conditions will determine when this work begins.
Arvada Fire Department will check and replace smoke and carbon monoxide detectors at NO charge. Call Amber Jones at the Fire Department to schedule an appointment 303-424-3012.
Thanks for your service, Karen Silveira for many years as a dedicated Triple Crown board member. And, welcome new board member, Ava Allsman.
Triple Crown’s Board is looking for a volunteer interested in becoming involved in their community by serving on the board as secretary. Duties include: Participating in making board decisions; working with the management company to ensure minutes and documents are accurately recorded; and writing articles for the Master Association’s newsletter. Graphics skills to enhance these are a bonus. To apply contact a board member.